News on TDMx
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20.07.2020, 14:34
New publication on vancomycin precision dosing in ICU patients
Together with our colleagues from the St.Vincent's Hospital in Sydney, Austrial, we investigated the predictive performance of vancomycin pharmacometric models in ICU patients. The analysis revealed that the... mehr
24.09.2019, 10:59
Meet us at IATDMCT 2019 in Foz do Iguassu, Brasil
The International Association of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology is an organization formed by an international group of scientists and physicians, to promote the related disciplines of... mehr
20.03.2019, 10:51
Towards precision dosing of vancomycin: a systematic evaluation of pharmacometric models for Bayesian forecasting.
We have published a large-scale analysis on the predictive performance of published population PK models of vancomycin. The analysis revealed that the selection of the right model is crucial to achieve highly... mehr
20.09.2018, 14:15
Optimal Sampling Strategies for Tobramycin Dosing
Sampling times may influence the determined pharmacokinetic parameters and hence may impact and blur dosing decisions. Gao et al investigated the predictive... mehr
26.06.2018, 14:12
TDMx at Dose Finding and Trial Design by Simulation, July 9-10 2018 at KU Leuven
Simulation is an inherent part both for model evaluation as well as for dose finding. We are glad to annouce that we will be part of a 2-day inter-university course on dose finding, organised by Prof. Thomas... mehr
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